Style Guide For Preparing and Submitting Paper Abstract

NB: Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) to be inserted AFTER review, in the final version of the paper

This guide provides instructions for authors preparing paper abstracts for the Annual Globalisation Conference, detailing the format and presentation for abstracts, which serves as a template. Authors are required to submit an abstract outlining the key content of their research or project. This abstract, a concise document, serves as a snapshot of the paper and should effectively communicate ideas and findings. While covering essential aspects typically found in a full paper, it is essential to strike a balance and avoid excessive detail.

We encourage authors to align their abstracts with the conference theme and focus on delivering impactful and accessible insights.

Title: A concise and informative title that clearly indicates the subject of the paper.

Keywords: A few relevant keyword ds, no more than 6, that help categorize the paper's content.

Abstract: The abstract should be concise, typically not exceeding 400 words, and written in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience, including those not specialized in the specific field. It's important to ensure clarity, coherence, and focus, avoiding overly technical language or jargon.

It is good to include the following areas in the abstract:

Background/Objectives: A brief introduction to the topic, outlining the problem or research question the paper addresses.

Methods: A succinct description of the methodology or approach used in the research.

Results: Key findings or results of the study, presented in a clear and summarized manner.

Conclusions: Interpretation of the results, including their implications or significance in the context of the field.

Paper Abstract Upload

Abstracts should be submitted through the designated platform on our conference website within the specified deadline. When the paper abstract is accepted for the conference, the author will be notified.

More guideline information on the following area can be found at the Conference Full Paper Guidelines:

  • Figures, Tables and Diagrams
  • Citations and References
  • Appendices